Goh, Facebook post, 16 June 2017
questions that many Singaporeans will want answers to during the current spat
among the Lee siblings:-
1. Who actually drafted the final will before the demise of LKY?
Was LHY's wife heavily involved when she is with Stanford Law as alluded by the
PM or was it done by another team of lawyers as suggested by LHY? As this is an important material legal issue with regard to the demolition of the house, the
lawyers involved in drafting the will must now say their piece. If not, it is
just you say versus I say.
2. Why did the PM convene a secret ministerial committee which
Singaporeans knew nothing of till now - is he trying to stop the demolition of
the property as specified in the will? Is he attempting to subvert the will and
take matters into his own hands as alluded to by LHY by using state organs? Who
are the ministers involved in this secret committee? What is their agenda?
3. Why did the PM not challenge the will when he suspected something amiss and wait a long while by appointing a secret ministerial
committee to try and stop the demolition? Did Ho Ching really go to seize all
relevant documents from the house as suggested by LWL in order to stop the
demolition? If she did what LWL suggested then Ho Ching is really in contempt
of power by being the PM's wife and is clearly misusing her position. We all
want to know if she has over-stepped her role as the PM's wife.
4. Many Singaporeans will want to know how much is the property
worth as by now it is no longer a private matter anymore. Some have speculated
that the property with all its prime plot ratio must be worth at least 100
million. It's a public matter now as LHY and LWL have pointed out that the PM
may have tried to profit from the property by selling his share at market value
to his brother.
5. Many will also want to know why LHY has to leave the country
in order to escape from big brother. Is he really scared that he may be
prevented from leaving the country? He has also mentioned that some of his
friends were adversely affected by some of the government's adverse tactics. He
may want to be more specific here so people will know that it's not just a
sweeping statement. Was he being monitored by the ISD or followed around as
alluded to by some activists and opposition party candidates before?
6. How much exactly is LKY's estate worth? Half a billion? A
billion? The patriach has been the country's PM for about 30 years and also his
wife has been helming Lee & Lee for a long while. As a public statesman,
it's good that all his assets be made known to the public. For that matter, we
all hope that in future all ministers must be made accountable for their assets
so that we are assured of a clean and transparent government. There is no fear
if all ministers own properties properly as they have earned their keep from
their million-dollar salaries.
7. How can the three royal siblings sit down and manage the
current mayhem amicably though it seems a impossible preposition now with so
much bad blood spilled out? To resolve the situation, can the President come
out of his ivory shell and try to manage the matter? Now it's the time for Tony
Tan to try and earn his millions by being useful to the country for once.
8. Many Singaporeans will also want to know the PM's decision on
the matter promptly as it has become a public issue now. Will he continue to
challenge the legitimacy of the will or agree for the property to be demolished
thus honouring the will of his father? We need an answer from the PM soon as
any more delay will only prolong the agony for all involved.
9. At the centre of the fiasco is also the suggestion that there
may be a third generation successor to the Lee empire and, though the eldest son
has refuted the idea directly on his latest FB post, can the PM once and for
all set the record straight by stating the fact outrightly so nobody will ever
speculate on this again? Hopefully, in future, we may never see another PM's
son stepping into those controversial shoes again which smells gravely of
nepotism. The Lee Dynasty has to stop after the retirement of LHL period.
10. If there is a slim
chance of retaining the Oxley property as a heritage site, will LHY and LWL
agree to it for national interest's sake? The siblings have accused the PM of not
demolishing the property so that he can benefit from the legacy of LKY but
realistically he doesn't need to do that as he is stepping down soon. Will there
be that slim chance of a heritage site though we all know the ultimate wish of
LKY? That I think is what will benefit Singapore more...
[This post is shared with the kind written permission of Gilbert Goh of Gilbert Goh was a Reform Party candidate for 2015 GE in Ang Mo Kio GRC and an NSP candidate for 2011 GE in Tampines GRC.]
A comment was left at the bottom of this post on Gilbert Goh's Facebook page as follows:
From A Patriotic Singaporean Dear Lee Siblings Singapore woke up to the public fight between all 3+++ of you. Now dysfunctional families are common. So are fights between siblings. These are usually amplified after the last parent passes away. Most of us keep it in within families; occasionally when it involves money, it ends up in court. Now, family fights are usually none of anybody's business except the family members involve - and it's usually complicated and complex and there are sides which relatives take, and outsiders don't because it's none of our business.
Except now you've made it every Singaporean's business by taking it public and airing your grievances in such a manner. This is now no longer a private matter, not just a Lee Family matter; it's not even a public spectacular - more importantly it has now become a Singapore and Singaporean matter.
Singapore does not belong to the Lees. Even though Singapore was Lee Kuan Yew's love and his legacy, and Singapore is defined by him, it still does not make Singapore his or his family's.

By dragging this into the public arena in such a manner, you are dragging Singaporeans not just into it by taking sides, but you are dragging Singapore down at time when we can ill-afford it. China, terrorism, state of the economy, leadership problems - Singapore is facing numerous issues which needs urgent attention. We cannot afford to lose investors confidence or a stock market crash.
So fight if you must, it's your family's prerogative - but you are now dragging Singaporeans into it, plus dragging Singapore's reputation and Lee Kuan Yew, our past Prime Minister; not just your father; into this whole public fracas.
It will affect Singapore - not just your family. While concerns in the letter are possibly valid, this public avenue does not benefit anyone and will affect Singapore most. Your father put Singapore first and foremost above everything - you might like to do the same.
Yours.... A Patriotic Singaporean.
A comment was left at the bottom of this post on Gilbert Goh's Facebook page as follows:
From A Patriotic Singaporean Dear Lee Siblings Singapore woke up to the public fight between all 3+++ of you. Now dysfunctional families are common. So are fights between siblings. These are usually amplified after the last parent passes away. Most of us keep it in within families; occasionally when it involves money, it ends up in court. Now, family fights are usually none of anybody's business except the family members involve - and it's usually complicated and complex and there are sides which relatives take, and outsiders don't because it's none of our business.
Except now you've made it every Singaporean's business by taking it public and airing your grievances in such a manner. This is now no longer a private matter, not just a Lee Family matter; it's not even a public spectacular - more importantly it has now become a Singapore and Singaporean matter.
Singapore does not belong to the Lees. Even though Singapore was Lee Kuan Yew's love and his legacy, and Singapore is defined by him, it still does not make Singapore his or his family's.

By dragging this into the public arena in such a manner, you are dragging Singaporeans not just into it by taking sides, but you are dragging Singapore down at time when we can ill-afford it. China, terrorism, state of the economy, leadership problems - Singapore is facing numerous issues which needs urgent attention. We cannot afford to lose investors confidence or a stock market crash.
So fight if you must, it's your family's prerogative - but you are now dragging Singaporeans into it, plus dragging Singapore's reputation and Lee Kuan Yew, our past Prime Minister; not just your father; into this whole public fracas.
It will affect Singapore - not just your family. While concerns in the letter are possibly valid, this public avenue does not benefit anyone and will affect Singapore most. Your father put Singapore first and foremost above everything - you might like to do the same.
Yours.... A Patriotic Singaporean.
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