Tuesday, 4 June 2019

ARTICLE: "NUS escapes legal liability for Lily Kong's wrongful action against me," by Jeanne Ten, 18/6/2019.

Singapore Civil Society Activists. Left to right: Dan De Costa, Kieran James, Prabu Ramachandran, Jeanne Ten, Anonymous @ Joo Chiat Road, 20 May 2019.
ARTICLE: Dear Honourable Mdm Hotovely,

Shalom Aleichem and I hope this email finds you well and in good spirits as it has not been with myself.

I wish to raise awareness about a Professor Lily Kong in Singapore. I strongly believe that the Embassy of Israel in Singapore and Her Excellency Simona Halperin are unaware of the disreputable character of this particular Professor, whom Her Excellency exalted in a post. The post also includes a photograph of Her Excellency standing beside the mentioned professor. Kindly refer to the copy of the aforesaid photo and attached link at the end of this email.

Professor Lily Kong is a dishonest individual, who abused her power to conceal wrongdoing during her tenure as Vice-Provost at the National University of Singapore (NUS). When I blew the whistle on the wrongdoing of her fellow colleague who is another another faculty member, Lily Kong attempted to silence me and when I refused to submit to her intimidations, she retaliated by expelling me from the University, thus destroying my career in the process.

The High Court of Singapore has already found that Lily Kong's actions against me were "wrongful" in a written judgement in the Singapore High Court entitled Ten Leu Jiun Jeanne-Marie v National University of Singapore [2018] SGHC 158, which is available online in the website of the Court via this link:

I reproduce parts of paragraphs [229], [230], [231], and [234] of the written judgement of Justice Woo Bih Li below. These paragraphs deal with some of the High Court's findings regrading key facts of the case. The threats Lily Kong made against me are found in her letter dated 11 Aug 2006 which is reproduced at paragraph [185].

Dan De Costa, Khush Chopra, Jeanne Ten, Kieran James.
In a normal, functioning first world democracy, any professor or university administrator found guilty of such abuses of power would have been fired!  However, this was not the case and Lily Kong has gone on to be promoted and even honoured as the new President of Singapore Management University (SMU) after a purported international search was conducted which found no other suitable candidate besides herself.  Lily Kong has managed to get away relatively scot-free, unscathed, with absolutely no accountability, and without the requirement to make any restitution.

Let me elaborate.

My interest in the posts of your Embassy, "Israel in Singapore," stems from my interest in the cultures of the Middle East.  Academically, I have studied on the Jews of Medieval Iberia, and in fact, I had a discussion with a Professor about the possibility of doing a PhD at your esteemed Ben Gurion University upon completion of my second Masters degree.

However, I did not pursue that route as I had to return to Singapore to try and extract some accountability from the National University of Singapore (NUS) in the wrongful denial of my (first) Master of Arts degree. Although I had completed and met all of the academic requirements for the award of my first Masters degree at NUS, the same Lily Kong, then NUS Vice-Provost, expelled me from the university after I refused to cave in to her unreasonable demands that I stop complaining about her mishandling of a complaint that I had made against the wrongdoing of a professor.

Lily Kong, who was the Vice-Provost at the time of my complaint to NUS, lied to me about the outcome of an NUS investigation regarding the complaint I made against her dishonourable colleague, who had defrauded public funds by utilising a grant application that plagiarised my original research work.  Lily Kong deceived me into believing that a Committee of Inquiry (“COI”) that she had convened to look into my complaint, had exonerated the faculty member.  When I demanded transparency and accountability from her regarding how she had conducted the investigation, Lily Kong attempted to silence me, by threatening (in writing) to deny me the award of my degree unless I agreed to stop complaining. When I refused to submit to her improper demands despite her intimidation, Lily Kong followed through on her threats and proceeded to expel me from NUS.

In expelling me and depriving me of my Masters degree, Lily Kong had breached NUS Statutes and Regulations, which stipulate student expulsion via a Board of Discipline hearing, and deprivation of a student’s degree through the resolution of the University Senate. None of these statutory instruments were applied before Lily Kong expelled me from NUS..

The High Court of Singapore has already determined that Lily Kong's actions against me were "wrong". These findings were set out in a written judgement. The High Court has determined that:

"... importantly, it was wrong of VP Kong [Vice-Provost Lily Kong] to impose the first part of the Acceptance requirement as a condition for awarding the Degree ..." (Source: para 229 of the written judgement of the Singapore High Court).

"... on the second part of the Acceptance requirement, ie, to require the Plaintiff to accept the decision of the COI ... VP Kong [Vice-Provost Lily Kong] admitted in cross-examination that it would not be correct for her to impose such a condition on the Plaintiff. As I have mentioned above, she did impose that condition. I also conclude that it was wrong of her to do so." (Source: paragraph 230 of the written judgement of the Singapore High Court.)

"... VP Kong [Vice-Provost Lily Kong] was also wrong in imposing the second part of the Acceptance requirement..." (Source: paragraph 231 of the written judgement of the Singapore High Court.)

"... I am also of the view that VP Kong [Vice-Provost Lily Kong] was also wrong to impose the Cessation of Correspondence requirement that the Plaintiff had to accept in order to obtain the Degree." (Source: paragraph 234 of the written judgement of the Singapore High Court.)

May I point your good self to the published High Court judgment Ten Leu Jiun Jeanne-Marie v National University of Singapore [2018] SGHC 158 at this link:

Lily Kong was promoted to the position of President of Singapore Management University (SMU) in 2019, despite the findings of the High Court.  It is most appalling that an educator who has been found guilty of wrongdoing by the High Court nevertheless managed to escape liability, with zero accountability and total impunity, and has even been promoted to higher office, as President of SMU!

In spite of the High Court’s findings that Lily Kong was guilty of wrongdoing while she was the Vice-Provost of NUS, the High Court nevertheless allowed NUS to escape all liability for Lily Kong’s wrongful actions against me, which destroyed my career and caused me great distress in the process.  Lily Kong’s retaliation against me sabotaged a PhD course I had already started at the University of Illinois in Chicago, USA.  Without my Master of Arts degree, I was unable to find a place in another PhD course.  I was therefore compelled by the circumstances to study for what was effectively my second Masters degree. Without a PhD, my reasonable hopes for a career in my field of expertise were diminished.  I do not wish this upon anyone who is studying in NUS or SMU now or in the future.

NUS has spent at least S$700,000 of (presumably) public funds to hire top lawyers to fight the case in Court to protect dishonest officers such as Lily Kong. It is reasonable to believe these monies were derived from public funds, since NUS is a public university funded by tax dollars. At the last hearing on 13 May 2019, NUS repositioned the amount it is requesting the High Court to order me to pay NUS (originally at around $700,000 ) to $400,000 plus.  This sum will effectively render me a bankrupt.  With this, NUS is sending a signal to would-be whistle blowers who have been or were wronged, which is: "If you even try to blow the whistle on us (NUS), we will certainly destroy you!”

NUS is currently blocking my efforts to appeal this case to the Court of Appeal by insisting that I pay a "security deposit” to NUS.

This is a matter of public interest since NUS as well as SMU are institutions funded by the Singapore taxpayer and Lily Kong is its public officer.

By associating with Lily Kong, Israeli officers have degraded their own public image and prestige. I hope you will update your Facebook page "Israel in Singapore" accordingly once you have arrived at an informed decision of what is the right course of action to take after reading this letter.

May I also respectfully urge your good self to reconsider the Embassy's decision to collaborate with disreputable and dishonest public officers such as Lily Kong unless there are fundamental changes which require such public officers to be held accountable for their wrongful actions.

Yours faithfully,
TEN, Leu-Jiun Jeanne (Ms)

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